
Balanandam at Hyderabad (1956 - 2008)

Sri. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao, the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh facilitated the move of the head quarters to Hyderabad.

In 1956, on October 23rd, a week before the formation of Andhra Pradesh, Andhra Balananda Sangham Hyderabad was inaugurated by Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh. The building no. 10, CIB special quarters in Narayanaguda was allotted on hire purchase, from the housing board to run the office and sangham activities.

Soon after the formation of Andhra Pradesh a new wave of enthusiasm arose and steps were taken to organize the 4th A.P. state Telugu children’s conference with the assistance of Government of Andhra Pradesh. Sri. V.B. Raju, Social welfare minister and the local volunteer organizations coordinated the organization.

Though the conference was scheduled for Dassara holidays, it was later decided to hold this along with children’s day celebrations on November 14th. Exhibition Grounds stalls were provided to accommodate the delegates from districts.

Earlier, the delegates of the conference met to formulate the regulations of the provincial Balananda sanghams. Delegates from all over the state participated in cultural programmes.

 1958 saw the formation of our zonal units at Secunderabad and Seethaphalmandi on the eve of inauguration of AIR shortwave transmitter. Our members have presented a Dance ballet symbolizing the event.

Timeline of Achievements and Events

Jawahar Balbhavan

The year 1965 was again an eventful year. It was during this year that the Government of Andhra Pradesh, inspired by our activities thought of opening a recreational centre on a government level. Our founders were invited to submit plans and a blue print for such a centre. The present Jawahar Balbhavan in the Public Garden was the outcome of those plans.

Decennial Celebrations

In 1966 during Dasara, Decennial Celebrations of our sangham at Hyderabad were celebrated with great enthusiasm. A souvenir, “10 years of Balanandam at Hyderabad” was released on this occasion.

Balanandam Building and Hall

In recognition of the services of our sangham in promoting the cultural and recreational activities for children, the Government of Andhra Pradesh was pleased to grant a sum of over Rs.17, 500/ for the outright purchase of the building at Narayanaguda from the Housing board. Later a mini theatre was constructed with the help of a grant from A.P. Welfare Board. The Balanandam Hall has since become a live centre of children’s cultural activities in twin cities.

Film Club

The members of our sangham had the pleasure of participating in the film “Sudigundalu” of Chakravarthy Chitra in a dance ballet. There were scores of other films where our members acted as child artists. Balanandam has become a source to all well known film producers to find the best talent in children.  16mm shows have become a regular monthly feature at Balanandam.

Holiday Camps

In 1969, 50 members of our sangham with escorts went to Warangal on a holiday camp for 15 days and visited places. There was a big public reception for these kids and gave the local people an incentive to start Balanandam sanghams. . In November, another batch of children went to New Delhi on a holiday for 15 days to attend the International Children’s fair. They presented many cultural shows in both places which were greatly enjoyed and appreciated. In the year 1971, we were invited to represent Andhra Pradesh to participate in All India theatre Festival. We have competed with other states and won a prize as the best production for staging a play “snow white and seven dwarfs” in Telugu.

Apart from this our children have put up shows to collect money to donate to National Defence Fund during the war times. Their patriotism was greatly appreciated by the Government.

Balanandam continued to flourish under the guidance of Annayya and Akkayya till their sad demise.

Even after their demise, Balanandam members have continued to uphold their ideals under the president Smt. K. Sugunamani. It continued to be active and provide the children with suitable opportunities to improve their talent.

Akhila Bharatha Telugu Balala Mahosthavam

Annayya santaapa sabha - 6.3.1984